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ELMS Sports Foundation

Cultivating Authentic Leadership in Indian Sports: A Framework for Sports Leaders

Imran Nadaph, Vice President of High Performance Sports at ELMS Sports Foundation and a Certified Leadership Coach, explores the critical role of leadership in advancing Indian sports. Reflecting on India's recent successes and ongoing challenges, the article provides a roadmap for developing leadership skills at various levels. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the sports environment, inspiring change through actions, nurturing essential skills, upholding core values, embodying authentic leadership, and aligning with a collective vision to foster sustainable growth and success in the Indian sports ecosystem


Indian sports today stands at a crucial juncture - brimming with promise, yet fraught with challenges. In the wake of India's remarkable performance at the Tokyo Olympics (where the country achieved its highest medal haul of 7 medals), followed by another landmark achievement (breaching the 100-medal mark) at the 2023 Asiad, the anticipation for the upcoming Paris 2024 and the not-so-distant LA 2028 Olympics is palpable. The watershed moment experienced in these international arenas has ignited a wave of optimism and raised the bar of expectations for Indian athletes on the global stage.

However, amidst this optimism lies a sobering reality. Despite growing investments in sports and a focus on building world-class infrastructure, the Indian sports ecosystem continues to grapple with significant challenges. Limited access to quality coaching, bureaucratic hurdles, and the need for greater investment and support remain substantial obstacles. Even with the increased investment and development of top-tier facilities, without adequate efforts to build the capabilities of the professionals responsible for delivering sport, these advances are unlikely to achieve their full potential. 

Performance in sport is ultimately delivered by people; thus, building leadership capabilities in sports professionals at all levels of the sporting ecosystem will be critical.

Considering the multi-level problems, this article concentrates on the leadership skills required at every level and provides leaders with a road map to drive development and success in a changing environment. It offers a framework wherein teams, organizations, and initiatives that will influence the future of Indian sports in the next few decades are led by individuals who understand the complexity of sports leadership.

1. Environment: Shaping the Sporting Landscape

At the foundational level, every passionate professional working in the sports industry must consider their environment. They need to ask themselves: How can I navigate the challenges in the Indian sports ecosystem? This question prompts reflection on the broader context, including factors such as government policies, funding opportunities, and competition within the industry that can impact the outcome of their efforts. 

In order to become an effective leader, one must understand these intricacies and strategically position themselves to drive positive change. By understanding the environment in which they operate, sports professionals can identify opportunities for growth and development. This awareness allows them to adapt their strategies and make informed decisions that will ultimately contribute to the advancement of Indian sports on a global scale.

At the foundational level, every passionate professional working in the sports industry must consider their environment. They need to ask themselves: How can I navigate the challenges in the Indian sports ecosystem?

2. Behavior: Actions That Inspire and Transform

Leadership is not passive; it requires intentional behavior. The question here is: How can I inspire change through my actions? True leaders go beyond rhetoric; they lead by example. Whether it's advocating for athlete welfare, fostering collaboration among federations, or championing clean sport initiatives, their actions speak louder than words. By consistently demonstrating integrity, empathy, and a commitment to excellence, sports professionals can inspire positive change and transform the landscape of Indian sports for the better. This kind of leadership is not easy, but it is necessary to make a real impact. 

By taking action and setting a positive example, sports leaders can empower others to follow suit and create a culture of accountability and excellence. It is through these intentional actions that true transformation and progress can be achieved in the world of Indian sports. Leaders who lead with integrity and a genuine passion for positive change are the ones who will ultimately leave a lasting legacy in sports.

3. Capabilities: Nurturing Skills and Competencies

Leadership demands specific capabilities. The question one needs to ask is : What skills do I need to navigate the challenges in Indian sports? Leaders  invest in continuous learning, and stay abreast of industry trends and innovations.  By continually honing their skills and competencies, leaders in the Indian sports industry can stay ahead of the curve and make a real impact. 

While technical skills matter, true leaders also recognize the need for emotional intelligence, adaptability, and strategic thinking. Emotional intelligence allows them to connect with their team members on a deeper level, fostering a positive and productive work environment. Adaptability ensures they can pivot and adjust to unforeseen circumstances, while strategic thinking helps them make informed decisions for the long-term success of their organization. Ultimately, it is leaders who prioritize personal and professional growth that will shape the future of sports in India.

4. Values and Beliefs: Anchoring Leadership in Principles

True leadership transcends wins and losses; it rests on values and beliefs. The question to ponder is: How can I uphold integrity and fairness in my leadership? Upholding values such as integrity, sportsmanship, and inclusivity builds trust and shapes organizational culture, influencing how athletes and staff perceive leadership. By prioritizing values and beliefs in leadership, individuals can create a positive and inclusive environment that fosters growth and success. 

Leaders who uphold integrity, fairness, and inclusivity will earn the respect of their colleagues, andalso ensure that all individuals, regardless of background or ability, feel valued and supported within the sports community, setting a strong example for future generations. In the ever-evolving landscape of high performance sports, it is crucial for leaders to anchor their decisions around principles that prioritize the well-being and success of all involved.

5. Identity: Becoming the Change You Seek

Leadership identity matters. Leaders must ask: How can I embody the change I wish to see in Indian sports? Authenticity matters; leaders must embody the qualities they expect from others. Whether it's resilience, adaptability, or empathy, authentic leaders live these traits, influencing others positively and driving meaningful change. By embodying the change they wish to see, leaders can inspire others to follow suit, creating a ripple effect that leads to a more positive and successful sports environment for all involved. 

Authentic leaders who live by their principles of resilience, adaptability, and empathy can serve as role models for future generations, shaping the values and behaviors that will drive meaningful change in Indian sports. In order to truly prioritize the well-being and success of all involved, leaders must first prioritize their own identity and values, setting a strong foundation for a brighter future in high performance sports.

6. Purpose: Guiding the Collective Vision

At the highest level lies purpose—the overarching vision that guides the entire sports ecosystem. Leaders must contemplate: How can I contribute to the greater good of Indian sports? Purpose-driven decisions align with a vision of a thriving Indian sports landscape—one where athletes flourish, fans celebrate, and societal well-being improves—ensuring sustainable impact and growth. 

By focusing on a collective vision that prioritizes the greater good of Indian sports, leaders can inspire and motivate all stakeholders to work towards a common goal. This purpose-driven approach not only fosters unity and collaboration within the sports ecosystem but also ensures long-term success and growth. Ultimately, a strong sense of purpose will guide leaders in making decisions that benefit not only individual athletes but also the entire sports community, leading to a brighter and more prosperous future for high performance sports in India.


Leaders are bound to face numerous challenges In navigating these multi-level complexities. Their courage lies in making informed choices, fostering collaboration, and steering the ship toward collective success. For this reason, the cultivation of true leaders can never be dependent solely on technical manuals; rather, it calls for a sophisticated grasp of holistic human development, the ability to motivate others, and a dedication to systemic improvement.

By embracing the principles of high-performance leadership and the different levels at which leaders need to learn and adapt, aspiring leaders can unlock their own potential while nurturing the next generation of champions both on and off the field of play. It is through this transformative approach that the Indian sports ecosystem can truly thrive, serving as a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the power of visionary leadership.

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